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Traffic Statistics

Get graphs showing traffic breakdown by days, hours, size of messages or number of recipients.

Report Description
Message Breakdown by Day of the Week This report allows you to break down mailboxes according to their traffic by day of the week, in number of messages or volume. The result is displayed as a histogram or a pie chart. The report also allows you to select distribution groups and public folders.
Message Breakdown by Hour of the Day This report allows you to break down mailboxes according to their traffic by hour of the day, in number of messages or volume. It is possible to generate the report by day of the week, or for all days combined. The result is displayed as a histogram or a pie chart. The report also allows you to select distribution groups and public folders.
Message Breakdown by Size This report allows you to break down the messages according to their size. The intervals defining the size of the messages are customizable. The result is displayed as a histogram or a pie chart. The report also allows selecting distribution groups and public folders.
Message Breakdown by Recipient Count This report allows you to break down the messages sent according to the number of recipients. The intervals defining the number of recipients are customizable. The result is displayed as a histogram or a pie chart. The report also allows you to select distribution groups and public folders.
Recipient Breakdown by Day of the Week
This report allows you to break down the number of distinct users who have sent or received at least one message according to the day of the week. The result is displayed as a histogram or a pie chart. The report also allows you to select distribution groups and public folders.
Recipient Breakdown by Hour of the Day
This report allows you to break down the number of distinct users who have sent or received at least one message according to the hour of the day. It is possible to generate the report by day of the week, or for all days combined. The result is displayed as a histogram or a pie chart. The report also allows you to select distribution groups and public folders.
Recipient Breakdown by Daily Traffic This report allows you to break down mailboxes according to their daily traffic, by number of messages or by volume. The intervals defining the number of daily messages or their volume are customizable. The result is displayed as a histogram or a pie chart. The report also allows the selection of distribution groups and public folders.